I'm having a problem with Live2D that makes it almost impossible for me to use the program.

I can move a parameter if I don't have the part selected. Everything looks normal:

But if I select a part that has keyframes on it, this is what I see:

Every position the part has been in is visible at the same time. It also shows the part on the wrong layer. For example, her hair, which is supposed to be at the back of the image, is moved to the front while I select the deformer. (It reverts to normal if I unselect this part or click any other part that doesn't have any keyframes.)
This happens immediately after I add keyframes to any deformer or part.
Here are my computer statistics:
Live2D: Live2D 4.1.00
OS: Windows 10
PC Type: PC Computer
Graphics Card: AMD Radeon RX 5700
CPU: AMD Ryzen 5 3600 6-Core
Memory: 16 GB
Illustration Software Used: Clip Studio Paint (although that's probably not the problem here!

Any idea what the problem might be? I thought my model might be too large, so I shrunk everything by 50%. It didn't help.
I didn't have this issue when I first started with Live2D in March. It started maybe about a month ago (?) But I've practiced with many different models since then, so I'm not sure when this started. I have had this problem with two different models, however.
Thank you for your contact.
This is Live2D Support.
Thank you for your cmo3 file and so on.
This phenomenon is thought to be caused by the onion skin function.
So clicking the Onion Skin button at the bottom of the view area will solve the problem.
For more information about onion skin, please check the following manual
We will reply to all inquiries from our website with this reply.
If you are not using the site's contact form, please let us know.
hope that helps.
Thank you very much!