Currently I am using the live2d SDK to build Android apps.
Google requires: abiFilters 'armeabi-v7a', 'arm64-v8a', 'x86', 'x86_64'
But it seems Live2D's library does not support x86_64, so we also cannot build Android apk that supports x86_64.
This results in our Apk being rejected by Google and not allowing release.
Refer to attachment:

This is really painful for us.
Hope the live2D support department supports the SDK for x86_64, or guide us the solution.
The current SDK we use is version 4_r2 which can be downloaded here: would like to thank and look forward to your response.
Thank you for reaching out.
As we couldn’t confirm any Android smartphone device which adopted an x86_64 architecture, Cubism SDK for Native Android does not support x86_64.
Please tell us the Android devices (products) with x86_64 architecture you are planning to run your Android application on.
We have also confirmed that you sent the same inquiries to our support email.
As our response will be duplicated, we will continue the further communication on this discussion.
We appreciate your cooperation.
Thank you.