Live 2D Cubism Editor's 4.0.02 User Interface is displayed in tiny (windows 10)
Hi everyone,
I'm encoutering a problem with the way my computer displays Live 2D Cubism Editor:
as shown in attached screenshot

The User Interface is just ...tiny.
My display settings are 3840x2160, I've changed them for lower resolutions and/or change the Windows's auto-scaling percentage to the maximum, but unfortunately that did'nt do the trick and the UI is still displayed tiny.
Has any of you met similar problems? I thought the simplest way to solve that would be to change the display preferences and settings of Cubism editor, but... there does'nt seem to be such a feature anywhere? or am I simply missing it because... it's just right in front of me?
Anyway, thanks for your help and if you have any clues or process to solve this, that would be great!
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And sometimes its corrups my laptop why?
Do i have to download java to fix it?