I've seen a similar post on this but it hasn't helped at all. Basically I think it has to do with the psd files I import but I'm not 100% sure. I'm brand new to all this so go easy on me!
Basically I can import just fine, use the program just fine. No issues there. I use Krita and save as a PSD. The file type has always been a non issue in any other programs reading psd's so I don't think there's an issue there. I import this file to Live2D so I can work with everything pre-set up.
However when I save, or periodically when it attempts to backup, I get an error.
Backup error looks like this:

And regular save looks like this:

I can export to .moc with no issues, and the .moc loads up in the viewer perfectly. It's just saving so that I can keep my progress. Any ideas what's going on?
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Cubism 3 officially supports PSD exported from Adobe Photoshop and Celsys CLIP STUDIO PAINT. With PSDs from other software Cubism 3 sometimes doesn't work appropriately.
Thank you for your understanding.