I've imported my model and added motions and effects to it in After Effects. However, when I export the motion the effects and lighting don't transfer and I dont see any option to export it as a video either. I can't find anything in the documentation about it. Is there any way to export the model with the effects/layer styles I added or any way to export it as a video with the effects?
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Perhaps you have confused "rendering" with "exporting motion"?
Please refer to this page for a detailed explanation of "Motion Export.
As for rendering, the video can be exported as a movie by operations on the After Effects side.
No, I know the difference and how to export it. My question was can I export the motion with layer styles from after effects, but I've already figured out the answer is almost definitely no.
Thank you for your reply.
We apologize for not understanding the intent of your question.
As you say, it is not possible to export motion with layer styles from After Effects.
We have shared your feedback with our development team as a user request.
Thank you!