A bug appears in SDK 2.0.6 for cocos2d-x and 2.0.3 doesn't have
I have found that the live2d model could not display on some AMD cards with SDK 2.0.6. Instead, a huge white block appears on the top-right corner of screen, with whose size randomly between 1/4 screen, 1/2 screen and the whole screen.

The affected AMD models are AMD Radeon HD 6570, AMD Radeon HD 6770 and AMD Radeon HD 7850.
AMD Radeon HD 7600M Series is not affected.
Others are not tested.
SDK 2.0.3 is OK.
I guess that AMD cards on PC will be affected and that on Notebook PC will not. ( may not be right =w= )
By the way, I'm eager for the cocos2d-x SDK on MacOSX, Ubuntu and Windows Phone ( or WinRT Universal ), could it come true? ^v^
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Thank you for reporting and sorry for the late reply.
I have run the SampleApp1 in Radeon HD 6770, but there is no problem.
If you run SampleApp1 with a Radeon HD 6570, 6770 and 7850, you see the problem?
In addition, did you run it with Radeon HD 6570, 6770 and 7850 on the same computer?
Or you used different computers for each graphic board?
I hadn't run the SampleApp. I will try it later, and please wait for a moment.
I have run my app on different computers with AMD card.
Because I have modified cocos2d-x on OpenGL so I don't know whether it is the composite factor.
Sorry to see that SampleApp1 has the same problem.
By the way, I'm using the cocos2d-x 2.2.5.
I ran the SampleApp1 under the following conditions, but there was no problem.
・Windows7 SP1
・Radeon HD 6770(driver version 8.820.0.0)
・Live2D SDK 2.0.06
・Visual Studio 2010
Are these conditions different form your computer?
In addition, I want you to run the following sample.
(This is without a cocos2d-x, running Live2D using only OpenGL)
Also, please send the OpenGL trace log of SampleApp1
1.Download and install GLIntercept_1_3_2.exe
Attention: Not GLInterceptx64_1_3_2.exe
2.Copy GLIntercept opengl32.dll to .exe folder
From: C:\Program Files (x86)\GLIntercept_1_3_2\OpenGL32.dll
To: C:\(SampleApp1 install path)\SampleApp1\proj.win32\Debug.win32\OpenGL32.dll
3.Copy GLIntercept gliConfig_FullDebug.ini to .exe folder and rename
From: C:\Program Files (x86)\GLIntercept_1_3_2\gliConfig_FullDebug.ini
To: C:\(SampleApp1 install path)\SampleApp1\proj.win32\Debug.win32\gliConfig_FullDebug.ini
And rename it to "gliConfig.ini".
C:\(SampleApp1 install path)\SampleApp1\proj.win32\Debug.win32\gliConfig.ini
4.Put a mark before preDraw() and after postDraw()
In LAppLive2DManager.cpp
glColor4i(111,111,111,111); <- add this line
glColor4i(222,222,222,222); <- add this line
5.The log files are output
C:\(SampleApp1 install path)\SampleApp1\proj.win32\Debug.win32\gliInterceptLog.txt
Because I didn't receive the remind email, I didn't notice the reply...
I had fixed the bug, because I noticed the fragment shader compiled error.
I had done a patch on the binary, noped the 'precision mediump float' and everything was fine.
I think 'precision' is a OpenGL ES shader's keyword... not Desktop OpenGL's. Some Graphic Drivers don't support it.